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Picket Fences! Part 11.2
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Picket Fences! Part 11.2

Meanwhile at Joy and Larry Anderson's house . . .

Larry had the day off from work and was doing some yard work.

He saw his neighbor Rhys Sawyer when he came out to get his newspaper.

"Hey Sawyer! Come over here!", Larry shouted.

"My friends call me Rhys and since we're neighbors, that goes for you, too", he said.

"Alright Rhys. You may call me Larry", said Larry.

"So Larry, why did you call me over?", asked Rhys.

"There's some gossip around town about you having an affair. It wouldn't normally be any of my business except . . .

"People are saying it's with my wife", he said.

"You shouldn't listen to gossip, because that's ALL it is", said Rhys, "Gossip!"

(Gossip is idle talk or rumor about the personal or private affairs of others, typically involving details not confirmed as being true.)

Then Rhys walked back across the street . . .

And Larry went in his house.

Joy was sitting on the couch and asked him to join.

"Who were you talking to outside just now?", asked Joy.

"Just that young fellow who lives across the street", he said.

"Grace's grandson, you mean?", said Joy.

"Yeah him", said Larry.

"Mary Lou and I went over to welcome him to the neighborhood when he moved in", said Joy, "He seemed pretty nice."

"I've heard he's "on active duty, but he's not much more than a kid. What he does shouldn't concern us, right?", Larry said.

"Right!", said Joy.

At 3:30 PM Arlene came home from school.

Joy served plates of spagetti to Larry and Arlene before joining them at the table.

"Arlene, did you have a good time at the zoo?", asked Larry.

"Yes, it was fun. I saw lots of animals, played on the swings and had a hotdog for lunch", said Arlene.

"That sounds like a good time to me", said Larry.

"Miss Edwards said we have to write a story tomorrow about one of the animals we saw. I'm going to write about an elephant!"

Larry rubbed Joy's belly.

"How's my boy doing in there?", he asked.

"He's going to be a big healthy boy or either his mama is just getting fat", she joked.

"Are you feeling alright sweetheart? You didn't say much at supper", he said.

"I feel fine. Just a little tired. I think I'll turn in early", said Joy.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure Arlene gets to bed", he said.

To be continued . . .

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