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Picket Fences! Part 40.1
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Picket Fences! Part 40.1

At Rhys' place . . .

The weekend had ended and Rhys' three sons were off to school.

The schoolbus will take his son Noah home to his mama this afternoon.

His son Kevin will go to his home across the street.

And his son Ryan is the only one who will be dropped off here.

After entertaining his sons all weekend, Rhys was ready for some lunch and some adult companionship. He went to the telephone and ordered a pizza.

The pizza delivery girl Lauren Reeves soon arrived.

Rhys accepted the order.

He took the pizza around back to the patio and asked Lauren to join him.

"How long have you been delivering pizzas?", asked Rhys.

"You know something, I've never thought about it before. I don't remember doing anything else", she said.

After they finished eating she asked Rhys if he wanted her to stay and hangout. He said yes and they went inside.

Rhys sit down on the sofa and asked her to join.

They cuddled . . .

They madeout.

"Let's go relax on my bed", he said.

"Alright", said Lauren.

Rhys relaxed on his bed and asked her to join.

He gave her a romantic kiss.

"You want to do woo hoo?", asked Rhys.

"YES!", she answered.

Afterwards . . .

Lauren and Rhys took a nap.

Lauren woke up, got out of bed . . .

And went over to the window and was looking out.

Rhys woke up and came over to where she was standing.

"What's the matterl?", he asked.

"I don't usually jump into bed with my customers. There's just something about you . . .", she said.

"Whatever it is I'm glad I've got it", he said.

Then Rhys gave her a romantic hug . . .

Then Lauren left still puzzled by what had happened.

Meanwhile over at the church . . .

Rev. Woods has an unexpected visitor.

"May I help you?", Joseph asked the teenager.

"I'm looking for someone. I was hoping you might know where he lives", said to boy.

"If he's a member of my congregation I probably do", he said.

"His name is Jonathan King. That's him in this snapshot with my mom", the boy said, "He's my dad."

The snapshot was of Jonathan and a pretty blonde girl.

"Yes, I know Jonathan. He and his wife are members of the church", said Joseph, "Come with me to the parsonage and I'll telephone him."

"Who should I tell him is looking for him?", asked Joseph.

"My name's Nathan Jordan, but he won't know me anyway", he answered.

"Jonathan, this is Rev. Woods. Can you come to the parsonage? There's someone here who wants to see you?"

"Sure, I'm be right over."

After Joseph talked to Jonathan on the telephone, he looked at Nathan and said"He's on his way over."

Jonathan soon arrived and walked into the paronage.

"Hello pastor, where's the person who wants to see me?", asked Jonathan.

"He's waiting for you in my study, but there's something I need to tell you before you see him", said Joseph.

"You sound kinda serious. What is it?", asked Jonathan.

"This person is a teenage boy who thinks you're his father", said Joseph.

"I ain't got no kids!", said Jonathan.

"That very well may be, but I think you should listen to what the boy has to say. Nathan, that's his name, seems to be pretty sure about it", said Joseph.

The preacher called Nathan over and introduced him to Jonathan.

"Alright, tell me what makes you think I might be your father", said Jonathan.

"My mom told me just before she died", said Nathan.

"What was her first name?", said Jonathan.

"Her name was Elizabeth. That's her in this picture with you", said Nathan.

"Yeah, I remember her now. I rented a room from her folks for a couple of years", Jonathan said.

"When's your birthday?", he asked the boy.

"April 5th", said Nathan.

"Yeah, that's about right. I reckon I am your father", said Jonathan.

To be continued . . .

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