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Picket Fences! Part 42.1
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Picket Fences! Part 42.1

A few days after Joyce's funeral over at Arlene and Jimmy's apartment . . .

Arlene had gotten her first "baby bump" that morning. Jimmy rubbed her belly.

Then he gave her a tender kiss.

Arlene could hardly wait to tell her mom the news. She called Joy and invited her over.

Joy arrived a few minutes later and was greeted by Arlene.

They gave each other a hug.

"You look wonderful!", said Joy, having noticed Arlene's "baby bump".

"Mom, you do, too!", said Arlene, noticing that Joy was an elder now.

While Arlene visited with her mother . . .

Jimmy cut the grass and . . .

Trimmed the hedges.

"Do you and Jimmy want a boy or a girl?", asked Joy.

"Jimmy says it doesn't matter, but I think he would really prefer a boy. I think every man wants a son to carry on the family name. I remember how happy Daddy was when Kevin was born."
"Yes, I remember. But he was just as happy when you were born sweetheart", said Joy.

"Hey Joy", said Jimmy when he came in the kitchen to get a drink.
"Hey Jimmy, congratulations!", said Joy as she was getting up to leave.

She gave Arlene a hug goodbye.

Then Joy left to go home.

On Jonathan's houseboat the next day . . .

Shannan had started into labor. Jonathan and Nathan watched as . . .

She delivered a baby boy.

He has his daddy's skintone, brown hair and dark grey eyes. She handed the baby to Jonathan.

She continued her labor and delivered another baby boy.

He has his mama's skintone, brown eyes and blonde hair.

Jonathan and Shannan have twin sons they named Scott and Sean.

Jonathan fed Sean a bottle of milk . . .

And Nathan fed Scott.

Several days followed with the household revolving around the babies.

Nathan was the only one who got a break when he was in school.

When Friday came, Jonathan's carpool came at 9:30 P.M.

He works 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. as a Professional Party Guest.

Shannan went to bed right after he left. She was still on maternity leave, but was thinking very seriously about quiting her job to stay home with the twins.

Nathan went to bed without having to be told. He was tired from school and helping with the twins.

Jonathan came home from work at 2:30 A.M.

He climbed into bed with Shannan and went right to sleep.

The next afternoon Jonathan called Rhys . . .
"Hey buddy, you want to come over."

"Sure, I'll be right there."

When Rhys arrived Jonathan greeted him with aa friendly hug.

"Are you doing alright?", asked Rhys.

"It's been a little hectic around here since the twins were born, but I can't complain", said Jonathan.

"I don't know how you took care of Ryan on your own. It's all the three of us can do to take care of these two", said Jonathan.

"Hello Rhys", said Shannan.
"Hey Shannan", he said.

"There's something I have to ask you", she said.
"I figured you was being nice to me for some reason", said Rhys.

"My friend Regan is a photographer for an advertising agency and she needs a male model for an ad campaign. She saw you at our wedding and asked me if I thought you might pose for her", said Shannan.
"I ain't no model, but I reckon I can give it a try", said Rhys.
"Great, I'll call Regan and tell her you'll do it", said Shannan.

"Hey Regan. He agreed to do it."

"Great! Tell him to come over tomorrow morning."

"She said to come to her studio over on Main Street tomorrow morning", said Shannan.
"I guess I better go on home. Got to get my beauty rest", he laughed.

Then Rhys left to go home.

To be continued . . .

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