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Gen 1, Part 12: College Households Simnitch, Loner
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“How’s college life been treating you, Michael?” Daisy Simnitch asked her brother. “Mom and Dad haven’t heard much from you for the past year.”

“Yeah, I’ve been busy I guess.”

“Arty says Annalee hasn’t written much about you either, but we weren’t sure if the two of you were still together. He said considering your age difference, she might, well…”

“I don’t know if Anna is seeing someone else. We haven’t spoken much.”

“You’ve been busy?”

“Yes…” Michael trailed off as he looked outside the window. “Daisy, did you hear something just now?”

“No. Did you?”

“I thought I did. But I wasn’t sure. And besides, it could just be him…”


“You’re better off not knowing, Daisy.”

“Michael? You’re starting to scare me, Michael!”

He didn’t even seem to listen. Michael just kept staring into the night.

The next day, Daisy called Annalee Loste as soon as Michael had left for his classes.

“He’s been like that since I arrived, Anna! And there are these weird cow paintings everywhere, I don’t understand! What’s going on?”

“I wish I knew.” Annalee sighed. “I was really happy when Michael moved to college, you know? I showed him around campus and we hung out a few times, but then he just grew distant. I thought it was just me, but he stopped talking to all of us.”

“I confronted him about it, told him we were all worried about him, but he just said there was something he needed to do. He was so weird all the time, we were worried he was taking drugs or something.”

“Why didn’t you tell anybody back home?”

“We were going to, but Siri told us to wait until she had spoken to him.”

“Siri Loner? Why?”

“She was the only one that Michael didn’t ignore. He was actually kind of hostile towards her. Said that she had ‘the Llama’s stench on her’ and stuff like that. Anyway, the rest of us all thought he was nuts or high, but Siri said there was something she needed to look into first.”


“Alright, spill it!” Siri demanded. “My friend Michael keeps drawing the Cow, he says he’s on a mission and he tells me I have the Llama’s stench on me. I know you and your freakshow have something to do with this, so tell me!”

The Llama pumped himself up to his full size. “And you, the least of my disciples, have the gall to demand answers from me?”

“Oh, I have the gall alright!”

“…Very well. The Wise One is always thirsty for knowledge. You adapt well to the role that has been chosen for you. However, such knowledge comes at a price.”

“I’ll show you where to shove your stupid price! Leave Michael alone or else!”

“It is not I who calls upon the one you call Michael. She, my one Enemy, has chosen him as her Champion in our eternal struggle. Too weak to free herself from the chains that bind her, she will call upon those of the weak mind to fight her fight. Her Champion will do her bidding, just as the Inspiring One will further my agenda.”

The Llama looked down at his unfinished coursework.

“Know this, Wise One: I feel sorry for your unfortunate friend. I truly wish my followers had found him first, as we did with you. But to stand against me is futile. Her Champion will perish.”

The cheerleader, frozen blue from the cold, started an inspiring cheer as the Llama finished his homework assignment. Siri couldn’t take it anymore and ran into the house.

Several hours later, she found the Cheerleader still outside, performing her routines.

“Aren’t you freezing to death out here?”

“The Llama’s heat!
Fills every beat!
And I must serve!
With every nerve!”

“Seriously, why are you doing this?”

I love writing the Llama. The Strangetown students have been caught up in something that may be beyond their understanding. Let's hope they make it out unscathed.

Coming up next: The Arty College Party

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