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Gen 2, Part 10: Grunt, Curious, Curious
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Things in the Grunt household were the same as usual with added teenagers. Buzz had now gotten a very military haircut and both children clearly sported their father’s nose.

Buzz’s military training had now begun in earnest and he often asked his father for tips. Nobody could clear the obstacle course faster than him. He was born for the military.

It came as no surprise when Buzz got accepted to work part-time with the army. He wore his uniform with pride all day long and would have continued to do so at school, if it weren’t for the dress code. Violating the dress code would have been unacceptable for Strangetown’s youngest representative.

Molly, meanwhile, had it up to here with all the military. Her brother never shut up about it anyway, and her father kept talking about how proud he was. Meanwhile, she had to clean up after them, because Strangetown’s finest certainly didn’t consider such banalities as mud on their boots when they strolled around in their stupid uniforms.

Featuring Oliver McGork, Owen McGork and Arabella Loste's son.

Curious, Glarn

With the arrival of Lazlo, the Curious family was complete, just in time for Jenny to grow into a teenager.

“So, mom, dad?” Jenny began. “I thought that maybe, once Lazlo is old enough to have his own room, he could have mine and I’d take the nursery. What do you think?”

“Sure, we can do that.” Kitty said. “But do you really want to have a room right next to ours? I would have hated that.”

“I’d just like to have a room not surrounded by brothers.”


Jenny glared at her younger brothers who had just started another food fight. “Sometimes I wish I had a sister…”

Jenny noticed a pained expression on Glarn’s face and decided to ask him about it after dinner.

“It’s not that I don’t love my brothers, dad. Really, they’re great. Just a bit loud sometimes?”

“Oh, no, I understand. You know your mother and I are both only children and we always wanted a large family. Might have gone slightly overboard there. Especially when it comes to brothers.”

Jenny wasn’t sure, but it seemed to her that her father was hiding something. He seemed cheerful enough now though and helped her plan the renovations for her new room.

A big family, that much was for sure.

A happy family too.

But Glarn had always felt that something was missing here.

Curious, Glabe

When Glabe had heard Zo talk of studying the twins, she had simply reacted without thinking. Grabbed the babies and run. Nothing to it.

She had enough money to keep the three of them safe and hidden for a while and she would think of something when the money ran out.

For now, they would be safe here.

Glabe knew she had covered her traces well. This wasn’t the first time she had to assume a new identity, although Glarn didn’t know anything about that part of her past. Anyway, the past experience came in handy now and would allow her to hide with the twins for a long time.

Glabe decided to name the twins Lola and Chloe. Glarn had never decided on a name since he didn’t even believe he was pregnant until the last moment and whatever their other parent was, he was out of the picture as well. The only alien Glabe knew was P.T., and he had a really weird name. Besides, the girls may have been green, but they looked a lot more human than he did, so they should have human names.

Caring for two toddlers was exhausting. Glabe learned to take naps whenever she could. The girls would crawl into her room and wake her up when they were hungry. Which they were all the time.

But that phase passed and the three of them survived somehow. Lola and Chloe grew into children. Both of them had human eyes - Glarn’s eyes - which Glabe thought was fascinating. She wondered if those black eyes only appeared on full aliens.

Since Glabe still couldn’t draw any attention to her family, the twins were homeschooled. Fortunately, both girls were very intelligent and picked things up fast. Lola was very dedicated to her studies. Chloe not so much, she preferred to put in just enough effort, but Lola always bothered her until she finished her tasks.

As the twins got older, Glabe started to work again. Money was tight and the girls were old enough to look after themselves for a while.

Of course, as they got older, their questions increased. Why were they only allowed to leave the house at night? Why did they have green skin when Glabe’s was pink and everybody they saw from the windows was also pink? Who were their real parents? If Glabe didn’t know, who did know?

The years passed and Lola and Chloe grew into teenagers.

And one day, P.T. stood in front of their house.

“They’re your children?”

“Yes. And I have searched all over for them for years.”

There were a thousand questions in Glabe’s mind. She asked the first one. “HOW?”

“I did not have sexual intercourse with Glarn. I don’t know why people keep asking me this.”

“Because… Oh, forget it.”

“So… can I see them?”

As Glabe entered the room, Lola and Chloe were sitting on the couch in such a peaceful way that she knew they had been fighting for the best place at the window five seconds earlier.

“Girls, I’d like you to meet P.T., your parent. P.T., these are Lola and Chloe.”

P.T. was so happy to finally meet his daughters. They were very curious about their alien parent as well. Lola was a bit reserved at first, but P.T.’s stories about his childhood were very interesting to her.

Chloe took a liking to her father as soon as she saw him. She felt that now that he had found them, Glabe wouldn’t need to hide them anymore. They could go to college and get to know their human parent as well.

Glabe was a bit sceptic at first, but when P.T. told her everything that had happened in their absence, she agreed that the girls were out of danger. P.T. wanted the whole family to return to Strangetown, which Lola and Chloe thought would be a great idea. Glabe wasn’t so sure about this, but she agreed to let them attend La Fiesta Tech at least.

The Grunt nose is alive and kicking! Buzz Grunt is shaping up very promising and did, in fact, turn out as an almost perfect replica of the original Buzz. Which, as you might have guessed, won't be the case for everybody. I'll go over the individual sims when they reach the Maxis age.

Molly eventually married Oliver McGork and the two have the distinction of being Strangetown's most perfectly square couple. They are very proper and nothing is ever out of order in their household. They are also really boring.

P.T. really has no idea why people are so fixated on the idea of him having had sexual intercourse with Glarn. As if that was the only way to impregnate someone!

Glabe has a bit of a mystery surrounding her. What is her actual last name, anyway? She's still going by Curious, even though it's been years since she left Glarn.

Coming up next: Olive's third husband

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