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Chapter 26 - 4 Days Later
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4 days later…

Caitlin sat on her bed. Jenna was going in for her operation today. They scheduled it quick because the tumour was getting bigger. Caitlin didn’t know how to feel. She didn’t know whether to feel upset, angry or anything. Her dad was in prison for a long time now but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that he would always be there, one way or the other.

“I’m scared,” Jenna said to Lauren and her dad. Her dad gave her a peck on the cheek and said, “It’ll be alright, I know you, you’re stronger than bull” and he faked a smile for her. “Andrew, the doctors need to get through now, let’s go. Jenna, I love you” Lauren said through a cracking voice.

They wheeled her down to her surgery and she breathed deeply with fear.

Julie and Ryan sat down in the kitchen and were sipping coffee while talking. They had talked a lot for the last few days and had huge chemistry. She couldn’t believe he was Brian’s brother and couldn’t believe what he had been through and came out so strong.

“So, how did you even get by?” She asked. He put down his coffee mug and said “I just told myself that my mum would want me to get on with life and prove I’m something. I always thought she killed herself and when I found that he killed her, everything made sense. I wanted to kill him but I just beat him instead, seeing the blood come from his mouth was joy, it sounds dark but he was evil, I’m just glad we all got justice now” and she sat there listening as she stared at his eyes.

He looked at her and put his hand on top of hers, she smiled at him and got up, keeping her hand under his and walked over. He got up and leaned in to kiss, it felt magical for her and like nothing she had ever felt. She didn’t feel scared, she felt she could trust him. She didn’t think it was possible to be so happy, not since the attack but life just felt right, this felt right. She kissed him back and he held her face and gently stroked it.


Brian sat in the prison cell. He looked around and the room was empty. He looked at everything he had in there. The toilet was dirty and his bed was the most uncomfortable thing ever. His shower barely worked and sometimes wouldn’t work at all. The hot settings didn’t even work on his shower, just spitting ice cold water at him every time he tried to shower. He kept telling people he didn’t deserve this, but everyone knew he did.

The guard got him out for food and he walked. Suddenly as he went in everyone stared at him, “What?” he snapped. They all looked and one walked in front of the others. “We don’t take kindly for yours,” he said, “We might have to teach you a lesson… for the rest of your prison sentence, because we don’t take kindly to rapists and women abusers like you. Good luck, Pal” and THUMP, he was hit, and everyone kicked and hit him as he lay on the floor helpless while the guards left them to it, everyone knew he deserved it. They kicked and hit. He lay there trying to scream but his energy was gone, finally.

"Enjoy that," The one guy said, "You're getting that as much as possible for the next twenty-three years you f***er"

There we go, next chapter soon! Hope you've enjoyed it so far, not near finishing yet, people!

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