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Next: Part 1: Hobby
Hello all. I’ve been reading some of the Sims stories on here and felt inspired to write my own, so I did. I hope some of you, at least, enjoy it!
Just a few notes about the content before the story gets underway…

This story will contain some language and some violence. However the violence is neither frequent nor very graphic, and the language doesn’t get overly fruity. I was trying to keep the dialogue realistic, but without throwing in unnecessary swearwords for no reason at all.

Vampires – there are vampires in this story, and hence in the pictures as well. There's a glitch in my game where vampires don’t display correctly: while the skin on their body and scalp turns that vampirish blue-grey, and their eyes turn red, the skintone on their face stays normal. I’ve tried several ways to fix this but finally gave up. So yes, they are there in the pictures…they’re just in disguise.

Other than all that, I hope you enjoy the tale!

Click Next: Part 1: Hobby to continue...

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