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Billy Is Trash 4
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Looks like nobody actualy likes this story. Sad, but ah well, at least I enjoy playing Poverty Challenge...

Sid asked Billy out to a club and demonstrated his bass playing skills. Well, somehow he needed to compensate that steping on the foot while dancing... Billy was really mad, she lost even her interest in him...

In clubs balcony Billy winned Sids heart... How romantic!

After WooHooing in the clubs VIP zone, that crazy old lady speeded in and started yelling at Billy because she was in her underwear. that was the same lady who yelled at Bily in the beginning when she was showering. Billy showed her what she thinks about her... Hello, thats VIP zone, you idiot!

After the dream date Sid stayed at the club a little bit more. He found out why that club is called "Asylum" - because everyone goes wacko there. Everybody was fighting all the time. Even couples that went there togather. Crazy.

At the same time Billy was haunted by nightmares... They wouldn't let her sleep.

Again came the evil Repo man. Exactly when Sid and Nancy..no, Billy! were trying to... make love.
And it wasn't like Billy didn't had money at all, she was just lazy to pay the bills. Stupid situation.

During this pregnancy Billy acted very... reservedly not to say more.
She prohibited Sid to rub belly, she didn't let him to talk with baby... One hell of a b!@#$... Or maybe hormones. Or maybe just Billy's evil personality.

Actually Billy's isn't doing too well...

Another nightmare about dying. Only in this one she was saved by Sid. Maybe things are going to be better after all?

And this finally is Billy's hut. It is nice to only look at it because she had put so much effort in earning money for a place to call home.

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