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Chelsea is Trash 19
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The forgotten son's name is Link and on his birthday Andrew moved out of the Trash house reminding Chelsea that she hasn't even finished school and that probably is the reason why she is giving birth to so many children.
Anthony and Johny escorted Andrew to the taxi and Anthony cried. Twins have a special bond...

This is x-Johny's room. because now Chelsea is spending most of her free time here sewing. Johny is sleeping downstairs in the double bed though Chelsea is using it more often with her little friend Vince Yalovic (see the number of kiddies).

Johnny and Felix. No, I really love Johny and his love to children. He is amazing. He definitely should move out to Andrew and marry a decent woman ^^,

Trash residence with Billy's grave.

Hardly ever Chelsea climbs down her tower and only to ask Vince stay over for a night. Actually it's starting to look like he's already living togather with Trash's.

Anthony got a job in Athletic career.

Felix is scared of wolves. He is a Scorpio - very neat, shy, active and like everybody in this family - nasty.

These are the curtains which Chelsea is sewing and then selling.

Anthony is sad about something. Unfortunately all Billy's children are greedy but it is hard to satisfy this desire in a poor family, with plenty of children and no college education. Sorry, Anthony!

Oh, go to sleep finally!

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