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Billy Is Trash 9
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Johny loves to watch Music Videos. This one is his favorite - it's by some metal band and in this video one goth dies in the cemetery while another guy is kicking the grave stones. Thats really rad!

Nobody will ever know why Johnny was fired (maybe because of how he looks) but he made a big scene out of it. When he had all his tiers cried out he still pretended he's crying to move everybody around to pity. Though Chelsea is a tough one.

Johnny really would be fantastic father. Every evening before going to sleep he checks each brother and sister and gives them a good night kiss.

Somebody accidentally set the cooker on fire. Chelsea saw that first and cause of panicking couldn't say nothing, she just jumped around. Johnny saw that and thought that she wants to hug him. My little, slow Johnny-boy!

Random picture to show, that Billy and Chelsea are doing some thing maybe not quite together but at least side by side.

They grow up so fast! Twins birthday. Johnny even bought a cake although he couldn't attend at the birthday, he had to work to pay for the two cakes since twins mean double expenses on birthday presents.

Andrew grow up in a quite cool mood. Who knows where he found the leather jacked. Maybe it's Sid's?

Billy had left for her nightly duty while boys ate some birthday dinner together chit-chatting about make-up. Johnny has the opinion that make up is really nice even on boys, Andrew is trying to convince he's wrong but Anthony get's sick even from thought of Johnny wearing make-up.

Chelsea is a really quiet and accurate girl. She loves when everything is clean and if someone hasn't washed the dished she does that. Boys have noticed that and are starting to exploit her as a maid.

Since Chelsea soon will be a teenage girl, she needs her own private space and thats why she has her own 2x3 room and the ONLY not broken window glass!

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